Dai How Do You Know When You Are in a Relationship With Solas

"I accept seen things in my journeys that well-nigh can only dream of. Literally."

Solas is an elven backslider hedge mage and an expert on the Fade. He is a companion and a romance pick for a female elven Inquisitor in Dragon Age: Inquisition.


  • 1 Background
  • ii Interest
    • 2.1 Dragon Age: Inquisition
      • two.1.1 Trespasser
    • 2.2 Dragon Age: Deception
    • two.3 Dragon Age: Tevinter Nights
    • ii.4 Dragon Age: Night Fortress
    • 2.5 The Dread Wolf Rises
  • 3 Quests
  • 4 Approval
  • v Romance
    • 5.1 Trespasser
  • six Statistics
    • half-dozen.ane Initial talents
    • 6.2 Initial equipment
    • 6.three Restricted accessories
    • seven.1 Dialogue
  • 8 Codex entries
  • 9 Note texts
  • 10 Trivia
  • 11 Gallery
  • 12 References


Solas grew upward in a small-scale village.[1] Before the events that led to the formation of the Inquisition, he spent almost of his life wandering the wilderness, and although his pointed ears mark him as one of the Elvhen, he does not recognize himself as a Dalish or a city elf.[ane]

Despite having no contact with the Circumvolve of Magi or any Dalish tutors (though he has had contact with clans during his travels[1]), Solas taught himself how to master his magical abilities. Solas' prime interest is in the Fade, happily spending his time dreaming in ancient ruins and learning all in that location is to learn about what dwells beyond the Veil rather than joining the current Mage-Templar War.

When not on the field with the Inquisitor, he prefers the serenity solace of his own company.[2] Though he may be considered a "Hedge mage" past the Circle of Magi,[3] Solas has some unique magical tricks of his own, such equally a form of lucid dreaming to feel the hidden history of areas where the Veil is thin and how to manipulate the rifts in the Veil in unique ways via his knowledge of the Fade.[4] As such, he is more open minded most the Fade and its citizenry than near Thedosians, who in contrast have been taught by the Chantry to fearfulness anything related to spirits.

Fundamentally, Solas believes in cause and issue, wisdom as its own reward and the inherent right of all complimentary willed people to exist. Solas concludes that the many current conflicts in Thedas—mages against Templars, elves against humans, spirits against demons—are trivial more the black-and-white reductionist dichotomies which have led to the many tragedies of history.[4] Though he has made attempts to reach out to others—notably Dalish elves, towards whom he is skeptical[v]—to teach them what he has learned of the Fade, he has ofttimes been derided by both enemies and allies every bit a liar and a madman. This adds to the impression others sometimes take that Solas does not care most other elves, when in fact he only fears there is no way to help them in their current state and has grown weary of not beingness heeded.[6]

Indeed, Solas harbors a moderate view of the plight of the elves, and pities those in the Alienage just as he pities those of any race who need help.[5] He sees a world in which people cling to the little they remember and have left because they lack the ability to restore information technology.[7]

Solas is known throughout Skyhold as a polite and worldly man whose direction to the mysterious fortress seemed literally miraculous. He provided exactly the information and tools the Inquisition required when they required it most, and his magical knowledge is both unusual and extremely useful. Every bit an elf, Solas neither speaks similar nor sounds like Dalish or Metropolis elves. Kitchen staff at Skyhold note he eats little but has peculiar requirements almost tea.[8] He is also extremely good at Wicked Grace, Diamondback[nine] and chess.[10]


Dragon Age: Inquisition

Solas tarot menu

When Solas witnessed the creation of the Breach, he sought out and joined the fledgling Inquisition, knowing that his unique noesis of the Fade would be of use. He entered the Inquisition army camp voluntarily, surrendering his staff to Chantry forces without protest. He was granted permission to study the solitary survivor of the Divine Caucus's explosion and one of the smaller rifts, in hopes of finding a way to seal the Breach and help the prisoner. Using healing magic and minor wards, Solas managed to forestall the mark on their paw from growing and save their life.[11]

Soon after the opening of the Breach, Solas can be found near the Temple of Sacred Ashes, fighting demons with Varric Tethras and some of the Inquisition's soldiers. He helps the Inquisitor seal a small rift, then follows them to the Temple itself to shut the first and largest rift, which he theorizes would stabilize the Alienation. After the Inquisitor successfully enlists the aid of either the mages or the templars, Solas helps the Inquisitor shut the Alienation itself.

Following the destruction of the Inquisition's base in Oasis, Solas explains that the Elderberry Ane's orb is of elven origin, one of the foci used by the elves to channel ancient magics. He worries that if the orb's origin were to be revealed, it may have negative consequences for his people. He and so guides the Inquisitor to Skyhold, a disused fortress in the Frostback Mountains that the Inquisition can merits every bit its new headquarters.

Afterwards, Solas asks the Inquisitor for help in rescuing a Spirit of Wisdom who has been summoned to the physical world against its will by mages. Upon finding the spirit in the Exalted Plains, Solas discovers that the mages used the spirit to protect themselves from bandits, thus forcing it to plow confronting its nature and transform into a pride demon. Destroying the binding pillars reverts the demon into a feminine humanoid course. As the spirit passes, Solas turns his anger on the mages. The Inquisitor can either talk him downwards or let him murder them. Solas then leaves the party and returns to Skyhold on his own.

If taken to the peace talks in Halamshiral, Solas is introduced equally the Inquisitor's elven servant. He subsequently comments that he adores the "heady alloy of power, intrigue, danger and sexual activity" that is the Game and the Orlesian Court. During Here Lies the Completeness, Solas marvels at being physically present in the Fade. In the Temple of Mythal, Solas sheds some light on the elven gods.

When the Inquisitor finally defeats Corypheus, Solas laments the destruction of the orb equally the loss of nonetheless another elven artifact. With Corypheus defeated and the orb lost, he leaves the Inquisition. Leliana's agents are unable to locate him; she intends to keep her search, even so.

Solas Post-game tarot card

In the post-credits scene, Solas meets with Flemeth, who addresses him as the Dread Wolf, as well as an one-time friend. Solas tells her that he allowed the orb to fall into the hands of the Venatori in guild for Corypheus to unlock its true power—something he could non reach on his own, as he was too weak after awakening from his long sleep. Solas seems remorseful, and recognizes that he deserves penalty. He claims, however, that while "[he] should pay the cost," he cannot face this punishment still, equally the People however need him. He apologizes to Flemeth, which she answers with an comprehend and an apology of her own. Following this exchange, Solas seems to affect Flemeth in some way and strands of low-cal emerge from her body. She collapses in his arms, seemingly petrified. When Solas raises his head, his optics glow with the aforementioned blueish calorie-free that had emanated from Flemeth.


In the two years following Corypheus' defeat, Solas amassed a large network of spies and agents, some of which he placed inside the Inquisition. They eventually stumbled upon a Qunari plot (Dragon's Breath) to invade southern Thedas, and disrupted it past discreetly pointing the Inquisitor in the right direction. The Qunari pursued him in turn, believing him to exist an amanuensis of Fen'Harel. Equally Solas had gained control of the eluvians, and substantially grown in power since his fourth dimension in the Inquisition (including being able to petrify people with a thought), he remained elusive.

Once the Inquisitor has removed the threat of the Qunari invasion, Solas lures them to the Crossroads to explicate himself and save their life, threatened by the Anchor.

If the Inquisitor has gathered plenty show, they can call him out on beingness Fen'Harel, to which Solas will either congratulate them with high blessing, or remark that they have grown clever since he left with low approval.[12] Otherwise, Solas will confess to being Fen'Harel himself.

Solas in the Elven Ruins

He reveals that he fought back against the Evanuris after they betrayed and murdered Mythal, in his words the ane elven god who served as a phonation of reason, who cared for and loved her subjects. As penalty for her murder, and to protect the world from the Evanuris' excesses, he erected the Veil and banished them to the Beyond while he fell into a long sleep. This acquired irrevocable damage across Elvhenan: the elves lost their immortality and some of their magic, endless marvels reliant on the Fade crumbled. He has since vowed to walk the solitary path of the Din'Anshiral in order to restore the elven people, regardless of the toll to Thedas or himself. He cannot exist swayed at all, even if romanced.

He also reveals that he was the one who gave Corypheus the Orb of Destruction, or rather that his agents left the foci where the Venatori would find information technology and return it. His plan was for Corypheus to unlock the orb and die in the resulting explosion. He did not foresee Corypheus having uncovered the clandestine of effective immortality. Had all gone co-ordinate to his plan, he would have reclaimed the orb and used its power to tear down the Veil with the Anchor. After the world would burn from the ensuing chaos, he would have and so restored the world of his time—the world of the elves.

He warns the Inquisitor about the inevitability of an arrangement equally big every bit the Inquisition becoming decadent, and points to the presence of both his spies and the Qunari's to prove it already has. Their conversation is cut curt past a flare of hurting from the Anchor. As the Inquisitor doubles over in pain, they can either declare that they will finish Solas or try to redeem him and evidence him that the earth that exists now is worth saving. Regardless of their answer, he uses his magic to disintegrate the Inquisitor's left forearm, taking the Anchor abroad and preventing information technology from killing them.[13] He tells them to savour what time they have left earlier departing once more than.

This conversation has several variations depending on approval.

With high blessing he is far more forthcoming in his explanations, and if romanced he calls the Inquisitor "my dear," kisses her i terminal time, and tells her he volition always remember her earlier he walks away. She may also cull to end their relationship at this indicate as well.

If friendly and seeking to redeem him, Solas volition tell a befriended Inquisitor that he looks forward to being incorrect again, and asks them to grab his hand so he may remove the mark. If Solas is befriended and the Inquisitor asks why the world must be destroyed, Solas will non reply the question but will smilingly remark that the Inquisitor has e'er shown a thoughtfulness he appreciated, and that it would be too easy to tell them too much.

If the Inquisitor never exhausted one of Solas' questions chain[14] and expresses no interest in his explanations, he curtly explains his nature and purpose, tells them their marker is killing them and removes their arm much more roughly, maxim only that their death would cause unnecessary problems. He also notes that he lone would have been able to bear the Anchor without dying. Depending on dialogue choices, he will confirm to the player that he'south stronger now than he was when they met. Should the Inquisitor attempt to set on Solas, he causes the Ballast to flare up, immobilizing them.

It is also confirmed that Solas—Fen'Harel—employed the elven agent Felassan and regretfully killed his friend when he failed to obtain the eluvians for him.[15] Instead of keeping his discussion to Fen'Harel, Felassan had stopped Briala, his urban center elf protégé, from sharing the passcode with him afterward she gained control of the eluvian network. He had come to believe in Briala'south ability to guide her own people, even seeing some of Fen'Harel himself in her. A dreamer himself, he met Fen'Harel in the Fade to accept retribution for his disobedience.[16] In the years following his departure from the Inquisition, Solas is forced to complete Felassan'south failed assignment on his own. He personally overrides the magic to accept command of Briala'south eluvians himself.

Dragon Historic period: Charade

BioWare canon.png
The plot follows BioWare'due south ain canon, meaning information technology may not follow some of the player's choices in the games.

Gaius, an elven agent of Fen'Harel, caused the idol from Kirkwall by impersonating Magister Qintara. He traded it away to House Danarius for information, which isn't something Solas would take canonical of.[17]

Dragon Age: Tevinter Nights

BioWare canon.png
The plot follows BioWare'south ain canon, significant it may not follow some of the player's choices in the games.

Numerous stories within the album item the current doings and whereabouts of Solas and his "Fen'Harel cultists," as well every bit the steps taken to oppose him.

Afterward Skyhold's caretakers endeavor to restore the fresco in the rotunda, a demon of Regret manifests, its body formed out of the plaster of Solas' murals to the Inquisitor. Information technology'due south 3-armed and multi-eyed and looks like a wolf that has absorbed a dragon. It claims to exist an repeat that has breached the Fade, the regret of a god, drawn by a very aboriginal regret. It asks Sutherland, who came to investigate Skyhold, if he knows the dread that's coming.

Sutherland eventually lures the demon to him, yelling that he regretted acting solitary, and using his friends, but similar the demon does. As Sutherland and Company destroy it, Regret shows a glimpse that it might have become Contemplation or Introspection instead, if it had been allowed a particular idea: "In that location might have been a better option."

Genitivi Dies in the End
By special commission of the Inquisition'south Inner Circumvolve, Philliam, a Bard!, Brother Genitivi and Formerly Sister Laudine are sent on an trek to the Silent Plains to look into the Fen'Harel question past finding the true history of the elven pantheon. They observe an ancient elven library that "fell" into the Deep Roads when Arlathan "fell." Rasaan arrives soon after, looking for Solas' true proper name. She says that Solas is the name of a self-styled martyr, and that Fen'Harel is a name given by his enemies that has been incorrectly translated into "Dread Wolf".

Half Up Front
Agents of Fen'Harel attempt to destroy Kont-aar with a transport rigged to detonate. They intend to implicate a Tevinter Altus mage in the explosion to remove any gamble of peace between Tevinter and the Qunari. The mage in question foils the assail past taking the exploding send far out at body of water. Both agents of Fen'Harel kill themselves rather than be captured.

The Dread Wolf Take You
Lease, a spy of the Inquisition, calls for a meeting of Thedas' best spies to share information about Solas and his plans to restore the empire of the ancient elves. A Carta assassin, a Mortalitasi, an Executor from beyond the body of water, and an Orlesian bard meet with Charter in Hunter Roughshod, at a tavern called The Teahouse.

The Carta assassin says that Solas wants the lyrium idol, retrieved from Meredith'due south statue thank you to a potion, and that several people were killed in their sleep, every bit if during a bad dream, including dwarves. The Mortalitasi says that she was attacked past the Dread Wolf in the Fade while using the lyrium idol as part of a ritual with a Tevinter mage. She describes the Dread Wolf equally a six-eyed lupine beast the size of a High dragon. He accused her of threatening all of creation with her careless utilize of his idol, and that her life would be forfeit if she bound any more spirits. An ground forces of spirits attacked her in the existent world through a rift after the ritual collapsed. The Orlesian bard claims that he saw Solas call back the idol from an auction firm in Llomerryn.

Their stories indicate that Solas has already started the ritual he intends to use to restore the elven empire, that it involves and has already started to affect the Fade, and that it rerquires the lyrium idol.

As they all start accusing each other of lying, Charter realizes that Solas is in fact posing as the Bard (wearing a dragon mask and long blonde curls), and that he'due south turned the Executor to stone with a impact to forestall him from speaking. She asks for her life, and he grants information technology to her, just kills the Carta assassinator and the Mortalitasi. He claims that he has no pick but to get through with his plan, that information technology will save the earth, and that the elves who yet remain, like Lease, might even notice it a better place. He also says that revealing his plan to the Inquisitor was a moment of weakness and that he is no god, just prideful, hotheaded and foolish. He asks her to apologize to the Inquisitor when she reports to them, then leaves.

Dragon Historic period: Dark Fortress

BioWare canon.png
The plot follows BioWare's own canon, pregnant information technology may non follow some of the histrion'due south choices in the games.

Note: Dragon Age: Dark Fortress is likely set before some of the events of The Dread Wolf Take You

Solas in Dragon Age: Dark Fortress

Afterwards successfully stopping the Red Wraith, members of Vaea's group disband and reverberate that they found success against their enemies and just experienced i casualty–for now. Unbeknowst to them, Tractus Danarius has stolen the lyrium idol; Solas watches him from an eluvian. In the final panel, the text reads "Never the end."[18]

The Dread Wolf Rises

Solas in the 2019 Game Awards trailer

Solas from the DA4 trailer debuting on the 2020 Game Awards on December 10, 2020

The 2018 Game Awards teaser features Solas in a vocalisation-over, saying, "So, yous have found me at last. I suspect you have questions," echoing his words to The Inquisitor in Trespasser. Solas has been speculated to be either or both of the figures in the landscape showed at the end of the trailer.

A Backside the Scenes trailer was debuted on August 27, 2020, and included new concept art and models of diverse characters and locations, including Solas.[19] In the video, Solas, in one case once more voiced past Gareth David-Lloyd, says "They call me the Dread Wolf. What will they telephone call you when this is over?" As The Inquisitor already knows his identity as Fen'Harel, information technology seems likely this is addressed to the next protagonist.


Measuring the Veil Measuring the Veil
All New, Faded for Her All New, Faded for Her
Measure Veil Strength Measure Veil Strength (war table)
What Lies Dormant What Lies Fallow
Trespasser Trespasser


Main article: Solas/Approval

Solas' approval tin be raised by showing intelligence—even if it means existence ruthless at times—asking questions, and being thoughtful. He likewise responds positively to deportment that mostly support mages and elves (and marginalized people and groups, in full general), and to an open-minded attitude about magic and the Fade, as well equally spirits and demons. Remaining stubborn or becoming defensive on issues of elven culture, particularly if the Inquisitor is an elf, tin can atomic number 82 to a reduction in approval.

Solas will always opt for more thoughtful solutions, and is a strong believer in freedom of personal thought. Choices that invalidate these factors in game go confronting his philosophy. Consequently, sacrificing the Bull'south Chargers, assuasive the decease of his friend the spirit of wisdom, and recruiting the Grey Wardens will all net disapproval with Solas. In general, Solas approves of "people who are interested in finding out noesis."[20]

Completing the quest Measuring the Veil, every bit well as related quests to strengthen the Veil and secure elven artifacts likewise leads to increased blessing from Solas. Activating the aforementioned elven relics in the various zones of the game can unlock a last quest, What Lies Dormant.

If Solas' approving gets too low, a scene will occur in Skyhold where Solas confronts the Inquisitor almost their manipulative beliefs and support of divisive ignorance. Solas disappointingly takes comfort in the fact that the Inquisitor proved every negative stereotype he had of their race right. Despite their differences, Solas willingly remains with the Inquisition because of a lack of improve options to resolve the current crisis and hopes he will i day be heeded.

Approval gains from specific events and quests are usually depression to moderate; nonetheless, there are several instances that will yield DAIApproval.png Solas Greatly Approves:

  • In Hushed Whispers - ally with the rebel mages/ Champions of the Just - conscript the templars.
  • Here Lies the Abyss - exile the Grey Wardens.
  • Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts - publicly betrayal Duchess Florianne de Chalons' crimes to the courtroom.
  • What Pride Had Wrought - consummate the elven rituals, ally with the Sentinel Elves and accept Morrigan drink from the Well of Sorrows.
  • All New, Faded for Her - help Solas destroy the summoning stone and additionally permit him impale the mages who summoned the demon.
  • Subjected to His Will - guide Cole into becoming more of a spirit.


Solas is a potential love interest for female person elven Inquisitors.

Solas Romance tarot card

Patrick Weekes has noted that making Solas available solely to female characters was a determination made to avert the pitfalls of expected tropes and cliches with his grapheme.[21]

Flirtation may begin well-nigh immediately following the Inquisitor's awakening in Haven after stabilizing the Alienation. The kickoff chance to kiss Solas occurs during a conversation with him in the Fade version of Oasis following the establishment of Skyhold, if flirt options take been taken. If the Inquisitor decides to kiss Solas, he'll achieve for her just as she starts to await away and will begin to passionately kiss her dorsum. Afterward, he volition apologize for his impulsive nature, stating that doing things becomes "easier" for him in the fade. The Inquisitor tin so tell him that nothing else should happen between them, or suggest that at that place'southward something between them. If she does suggest that they have a connection, he'll concord. But he'll likewise say that he needs time to call back nigh starting a relationship with her, as there are things to take into consideration.

Pursuing Solas' personal quest All New, Faded for Her may also bolster his approval of the Inquisitor or else break off the romance, depending on the outcome and dialogue options chosen. At this point, Solas will ask to speak with the Inquisitor privately, and will bring her to her room's balcony. The histrion can choose whether or not to officially begin a romance with Solas during this conversation.

If the Inquisitor officially pursues a romance with Solas, she volition get special dialogue and cutscenes if she brings Solas with her to the Winter Palace during the mission Wicked Optics and Wicked Hearts. He'll talk to her later the events of the mission, and if the Inquisitor has completed his personal quest and progressed sufficiently in his romance, Solas enthusiastically asks her to dance with him.

Following events at the Temple of Mythal, Solas may ask to spend more time with the Inquisitor, which marks the culmination of the romance.[22] Though he does not have a specific gift for the Inquisitor, Solas takes the Inquisitor out to a secluded cove in Crestwood. At that place, he ultimately offers her the truth of the nature of vallaslin to evidence that she is important to him; however, according to the developers he might not have otherwise told her at all, as he becomes quite flustered during the conversation and moves onto a safer topic than he originally intended to broach with her.[23] He offers to remove the Inquisitor'south vallaslin, which the player can accept or reject.

The Inquisitor and Solas will share an intimate moment with one another afterwards the role player rejects or accepts the removal of the vallaslin. However, Solas will gaze sadly at the Inquisitor afterward, and tell her that he is sorry for distracting her from her duty, and that it won't happen again. No matter how the Inquisitor reacts to this, they will part ways. When the Inquisitor tries to press the result with Solas after, he appears very regretful for pain the Inquisitor, but refuses to answer why he cannot be with the her. He'll turn down to say that he doesn't treat the Inquisitor securely, and volition say that information technology hurts to non exist with her, but states that it was "selfish" of him to pursue annihilation with her in the start place. If the Inquisitor begs him not to get out her and confesses her love, he will sadly look at her and confess, "You take a rare and marvelous spirit. In another earth..."

Annotation: If the actor allows this scene to play through to its conclusion, it will not exist possible for them to romance other characters afterwards. The human relationship must exist cleaved off by the player early in the cutscene.

Solas had actually been planning on telling the Inquisitor the truth most who he was and his involvement with the elves and Corypheus when he brought the Inquisitor out with him to the secluded cove in Crestwood. However, at the last 2d he lost his nerve, and used the truth nigh the vallaslin equally an alibi as to why he brought her out there instead. When he kisses the Inquisitor, he is fully set to lose himself in her and forget virtually the mission he has dedicated himself to. Withal, when he pulls dorsum, he realizes that he cannot exercise that lest he betray himself. He decides correct and then that he needs to break off his emotional entanglement with the Inquisitor, as much as it hurts him. Solas cares securely for the Inquisitor, in more ways than he is able to express. He is ever one step away from confessing everything to them.[24]

In the end, whether y'all make up one's mind to perform the ritual or not he will tell yous later you defeat Corypheus, "No matter what comes, I want you to know that what we had was real." Or, alternatively, if a romanced Lavellan expresses anger toward him after the breakup, his parting words will be, "Y'all were right to be angry. I hope, in time, yous will understand."


If the Inquisitor re-affirms her relationship with Solas and attempts to convince him to abandon his plan, Solas will comment mournfully that she has shown him that this globe does have value and that he will never forget her. Afterwards, if Lavellan has called to try to redeem him, she continues to take dreams of her love watching her in the Fade but every fourth dimension she reaches out to him, he vanishes.[25] Still Lavellan searches, dreams and waits, for a way to change the Dread Wolf'southward center.


Initial talents

Ability trees Initially selected abilities
Spirit Spirit Barrier Barrier
Storm Tempest
Inferno Inferno
Winter Wintertime Winter's Grasp Winter'southward Grasp
Rift Mage Rift Mage (specialization)

Initial equipment

Armor variations for Solas. Annotation: Sturdy, superior & refined armors of the same type are visually identical.

Restricted accessories

Amulet of Power Amulet of Power (2)


Main article: Solas/Dialogue
  • (To the elven mage Lysas in Redcliffe Hamlet) "Sometimes to achieve the world 1 desires, 1 must take regrettable measures."
  • (To the Inquisitor) "Every great state of war has its heroes. I'm just curious what kind you'll be."
  • (Well-nigh the Elder Ane) "No real god need testify himself. Anyone who tries is mad or lying."
  • "Spirits wish to join the living, and a demon is that wish gone incorrect."
  • "Imagine if spirits were non a rarity but a part of our natural world like... a fast-flowing river. Yes, it tin drown careless children, but it can also conduct a merchant'due south goods or grind a miller's flour. That is what the world could be if the Veil were not present. For better or worse."
  • (To the Inquisitor) "There are few regrets sharper than watching fools squander what you sacrificed to accomplish."
  • "I saw a young Qunari working in a elementary kitchen, baking bread as she was ordered every morning. In every loaf she broke the rules. She'd accept a pinch of sugar and fold it into the center, like a secret, and this human activity of small rebellion brought a shining smile to her face."
  • "You would take chances everything you take in the promise that the hereafter is amend? What if it isn't? What if you lot wake up to discover that the time to come yous shaped is worse than what was?"
  • "War breeds fearfulness. Fear breeds a desire for simplicity. Practiced and evil. Right or wrong. Chains of command."


  • Solas: "Some of my fondest memories were found in aging cities long picked dry by treasure seekers. The best are the battlefields. Spirits press and so tightly on the Veil that yous can slip across with but a thought."
  • Inquisitor: "Any place in particular?"
  • Solas: "I dreamt at Ostagar. I witnessed the brutality of the darkspawn and the valor of the Fereldan warriors. I saw Alistair and the Hero of Ferelden calorie-free the signal fire...and Loghain's infamous betrayal of Cailan's forces."
  • Inquisitor: I've heard the stories. It would be interesting to hear what information technology was really like."
  • Solas: "That's but it. In the Fade, I run across reflections created by spirits who react to the emotions of the warriors. 1 moment, I meet heroic Greyness Wardens lighting the fire and a power-mad villain sneering every bit he lets King Cailan fall. The adjacent, I come across an ground forces overwhelmed and a veteran commander refusing to let more than soldiers die in a lost crusade."

Codex entries

Codex entry: Solas Codex entry: Solas
Codex entry: The Rotunda and the Fresco Codex entry: The Rotunda and the Fresco
Codex entry: On Skyhold Codex entry: On Skyhold

Note texts

Request for Resources on the Fade Request for Resources on the Fade


  • Solas was written by Patrick Weekes, with heavy input from atomic number 82 writer David Gaider.[4] [24]
  • In Elvish, Solas means "pride." According to David Gaider, Pride—in terms of Fade demonology—would be created from a corrupted spirit of Faith.[26] Co-ordinate to Solas, spirits of Wisdom can also be corrupted into demons of Pride.
  • Solas' necklace is of a wolf'due south jawbone.
  • There is a metropolis called Solas in the Tevinter Imperium north of the Silent Plains.[27]
  • Mary Kirby describes him equally Scotch bonnet candies.[28]
  • Solas is referred to in promotional images as "The Mind."
  • Patrick Weekes considers Solas to exist in his early on to mid-forties.[29]
  • Solas is described as knowledgeable, logical and refusing to believe in evil and adept.[30]
  • Solas is the first romance pick to be available but to elven playable characters in the Dragon Age serial.
  • Originally, Solas wasn't a romance choice for Dragon Age: Inquisition, merely according to Mike Laidlaw, Bioware changed his office as a Love Involvement when they extended the game's development by a year.[31] This was also an opportunity to increase the basic sadness of Solas' grapheme.[24]
  • Solas is referred to past Varric as "Chuckles." This is the same nickname Varric tin give a sarcastic Hawke if prompted during Mark of the Assassin DLC in Dragon Age Ii.
  • Solas' greatest fearfulness is dying alone.[32]
  • Solas disdains tea, particularly caffeinated tea, equally it is a stimulant and helps prevent crossing into the Fade during sleep. His dislike of tea besides reflects writer Patrick Weekes' hatred of tea.[24] His distaste for tea is known around Skyhold.[33]
  • Despite his largely peaceful and thoughtful demeanor, Solas was hot-blooded and self as a young man.[34]
  • According to Patrick Weekes, writing a character with hidden depths like Solas provided a great bargain of both difficulty and opportunity.[24]
  • Solas sometimes speaks in iambic pentameter, and the Inquisitor volition always proceeds approval when replying in kind.[35]
  • Earlier drafts of Solas posited him as a much weaker grapheme, and much more decumbent to lying and charade.[36] He as well originally spoke much more than frequently near elves.[37]
  • Cole was always aware of who and what Solas actually was.[38]
  • There was at 1 bespeak a planned "Quest for Solas" epilogue for Dragon Age: Inquisition, which was ultimately cut from the final game.[39] Furthermore, a variant ending had the Inquisitor present during the epilogue cutscene.[twoscore]



  1. 1.0 one.one 1.ii Twitter icon.png Patrick Weekes. https://twitter.com/PatrickWeekes/status/483716005953146880 . Twitter.
  2. Twitter icon.png Patrick Weekes. https://twitter.com/PatrickWeekes/status/483732995761664000 . Twitter.
  3. Twitter icon.png Patrick Weekes. https://twitter.com/PatrickWeekes/status/483732132645191680 . Twitter.
  4. iv.0 iv.one four.two BSN.png "The Dragon Age Twitter Thread" . The BioWare Forum.
  5. five.0 5.ane Dragon Age logo - new.png Dragon Age: The World of Thedas, vol. 2, p. 232
  6. Noted when against Solas most his commitment to the elves, as a Dalish elf on the "disapproval" relationship path.
  7. Per Solas' comments on Abelas and the ancient Sentinel elves.
  8. Dragon Age logo - new.png Dragon Age: The Earth of Thedas, vol. ii, pp. 230-232
  9. According to Blackwall
  10. According to the serial "Immortal Game" banters between Solas and Atomic number 26 Balderdash.
  11. Co-ordinate to Solas when meeting him and Varric afterward the destruction of the Conclave.
  12. Tumblr icon.png bumblebree. "Okay, so a few people..." . Tumblr.
  13. Tumblr icon.png pandaspwnz (September ix, 2015). "Okay it's confirmed Solas removes the arm for y'all" . Tumblr.
  14. Twitter icon.png Patrick Weekes. https://twitter.com/PatrickWeekes/status/642172458624241664 . Twitter. Tweets deciphered with rot13.
  15. Cole recalls "a slow pointer" broken in a sad wolf's jaws, and Solas notes that his agent failed to accept the eluvians from Briala, forcing him to do information technology himself.
  16. Dragon Historic period: The Masked Empire, pp. 379–380
  17. [Unofficial BSN. http://bsn.boards.internet/thread/15233/new-comic-dragon-historic period-deception?page=17]
  18. Dragon Age: Dark Fortress, issue 3
  19. [Android Authority. https://world wide web.androidauthority.com/dragon-age-4-1152438/?ocid=uxbndlbing]/
  20. Twitter icon.png VGS 640. https://twitter.com/VGS_640/status/606260553632223232 . Twitter.
  21. Twitter icon.png Patrick Weekes. https://twitter.com/PatrickWeekes/status/646891965045448708 . Twitter.
  22. Prima Dragon Age: Inquisition Collector's Edition guide.
  23. Twitter icon.png Patrick Weekes. https://twitter.com/PatrickWeekes/status/606987970747367425 . Twitter.
  24. 24.0 24.1 24.2 24.iii 24.four Nerd Appropriate with Patrick Weekes.
  25. Twitter icon.png Patrick Weekes. https://twitter.com/renmiri1/condition/652552721669750784 . Twitter.
  26. Bioware Forums "Cole (Disconnected): What kind of... [spoiler!]"|https://web.annal.org/web/20151105065606/http://forum.bioware.com/topic/476525-cole-asunder-what-kind-of-spoiler/?bioware=one .
  27. Codex entry: The Box of Screaming
  28. Twitter icon.png Mary Kirby. https://twitter.com/BioMaryKirby/status/447574395393814530 . Twitter.
  29. Twitter icon.png Patrick Weekes. https://twitter.com/PatrickWeekes/condition/484744534903906304 . Twitter.
  30. Lazygamer.net - a UK issue of PC Gamer
  31. BSN.png Mike Laidlaw (September 3, 2014). "Romances in Dragon Age Inquisition" . The BioWare Forum.
  32. According to the tombstone plant in the Fade during the quest Here Lies the Abyss.
  33. Dragon Historic period: Tevinter Nights, The Dread Wolf Accept You
  34. According to barrack between Solas and Blackwall.
  35. Ladyinsanity Pax Prime Demo Breakdown.
  36. Twitter icon.png VGS 640. https://twitter.com/VGS_640/condition/606259758723514369 . Twitter.
  37. Twitter icon.png VGS 640. https://twitter.com/VGS_640/status/606258926942744576 . Twitter.
  38. Twitter icon.png VGS. https://twitter.com/VGS_640/condition/606272457834561536 . Twitter.
  39. Twitter icon.png VGS 640. https://twitter.com/VGS_640/status/596747339852689409 . Twitter.
  40. Twitter icon.png VGS 640. https://twitter.com/VGS_640/condition/606262512317693952 . Twitter.


Source: https://dragonage.fandom.com/wiki/Solas

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